Understanding The Industry w/ Ananda Developments PLC

UKMCPC Interview

With a licence from the Home Office of the UK Government to grow and stabilise 65 strains of medical cannabis, Ananda Developments’ ambition is to be a leading UK grower and supplier of high quality, consistent, carbon zero medical cannabis. Our strain development research is clinician and patient led to provide confidence for prescribing specialists and consistent patient experience. 

Ananda Developments PLC Logo

We sit and chat with Ananda Development’s Melissa Sturgess and Zinmar Adkin and we ask serious questions about their work for medical cannabis from our patient members of the committee. 

  • How can we get the best results for patients through cultivating medical cannabis in the UK?
  • How is Ananda addressing issues in the market for patients such as quality and consistancy?

To watch the full video follow this link – https://youtu.be/vTwa9YuDej4 

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