UK Medical Cannabis Patient Committee

Work from the UK Medical Cannabis Patient Committee.

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Your Guide to Importing Medical Cannabis on Your Next Holiday

Travel Abroad With Medical Cannabis

Are you planning to travel abroad with medical cannabis from the UK? It can be a daunting task to navigate the various regulations and import laws of each destination country. Fortunately, The Sanskara Platform has compiled a comprehensive guide to help you with the process.

The Sanskara Platform is an online resource that provides guidance on medical cannabis for patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. They have recently released a new table of information that outlines the regulations for importing medical cannabis into several popular British holiday destinations.

The table provides a detailed breakdown of the import laws and regulations for each country, along with contact information for the relevant embassy departments. This makes it easier for patients to plan their travel and ensure they have the necessary documentation and permissions to bring their medication with them.

It is important to note that each country has its own regulations, and it is essential to consult with the relevant embassy or consulate before travelling. The Sanskara Platform’s guide can serve as a starting point, but it is not a substitute for professional legal advice.

If you are planning to travel abroad from the UK with a medical cannabis prescription, make sure to check out The Sanskara Platform’s table of information. It can be accessed via their website at

Medical cannabis is a rapidly growing industry and has proven to be effective in treating various health conditions. However, different countries have varying regulations regarding the importation of medical cannabis. The Sanskara Platform has created a table of information that outlines the necessary details and contact details/links for the importation of medical cannabis into popular British holiday destinations.

Australia, Bahamas, Belgium, Bermuda, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Jamaica, Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, and Turkey are included in the table. Among these countries, Germany, Poland, and Portugal allow for the importation of medical cannabis for personal use with certain conditions.

Germany permits the importation of cannabis for personal use if prescribed by a doctor on the German list of narcotics. The patient is required to complete a form similar to the provided template and obtain confirmation from the supervising health authority of the patient’s county/area of residence. The patient can carry the cannabis for up to 30 days.

In Poland, a patient may bring medicines to the country for personal use not exceeding five smallest packages. However, the patient needs to complete a document for import/export of narcotic drugs/psychotropic substances for medical needs and obtain consent from the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate.

In Portugal, patients can bring a higher amount of medication than required for the stay to anticipate unforeseen events. For medicines containing controlled substances, including cannabis, patients can bring only the amount required for 30 days of treatment with a medical justification/doctor’s statement. Patients are advised to contact the authority responsible for Customs and/or Civil Aviation in their country to find out the necessary documents required to transport medical cannabis.

Greece allows visitors to bring products for personal health use, such as medicines, food supplements, antiseptics, cosmetics, medical devices, etc., for personal use during their stay. However, visitors are required to bring just enough of each product to cover their needs during their stay and hold a letter from their doctor stating the medication(s) they are carrying.

Overall, it is essential to research and understand the regulations of the destination country regarding the importation of medical cannabis before travelling. The Sanskara Platform’s table of information provides a valuable resource for individuals travelling to popular British holiday destinations with medical cannabis needs.

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Travel Abroad With Medical Cannabis

Happy travels and stay safe!

Your Guide to Importing Medical Cannabis on Your Next Holiday Read More »

Understanding The Industry w/ Ananda Developments PLC

UKMCPC Interview

With a licence from the Home Office of the UK Government to grow and stabilise 65 strains of medical cannabis, Ananda Developments’ ambition is to be a leading UK grower and supplier of high quality, consistent, carbon zero medical cannabis. Our strain development research is clinician and patient led to provide confidence for prescribing specialists and consistent patient experience. 

Ananda Developments PLC Logo

We sit and chat with Ananda Development’s Melissa Sturgess and Zinmar Adkin and we ask serious questions about their work for medical cannabis from our patient members of the committee. 

  • How can we get the best results for patients through cultivating medical cannabis in the UK?
  • How is Ananda addressing issues in the market for patients such as quality and consistancy?

To watch the full video follow this link – 

Understanding The Industry w/ Ananda Developments PLC Read More »

Patient Outreach

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We have put together an informative leaflet for the general public, highlighting the availability and benefits of medical cannabis in the UK. This leaflet not only provides individuals with information on how to become a medical cannabis patient, but also includes a QR code linking to our website where patients can access a wide range of resources and a list of conditions eligible for a medical cannabis prescription.

Additionally, the UKMCPC conducted a survey, on March 2022, among patients in the community and found that they are spending on average £200 to £300 per month on their prescriptions. With the cheapest medical cannabis products on the market valued at £5/g and patients registered to Project 21 receiving a capped price of £5/g, we understand the importance of providing affordable and accessible options for medical cannabis patients.

To further our outreach and raise awareness of medical cannabis in the UK, we are proud to announce the Sanskara Roadshow. This traveling event will bring education and resources to communities across the country, and provide an opportunity for individuals to connect with medical cannabis clinics and pharmacies. With an estimated 1.2 million potential medical cannabis users in the UK, it is more important than ever to make sure everyone is aware of the benefits and availability of this alternative treatment option. We hope that our Roadshow will not only educate, but also inspire industry leaders to get involved and sponsor our mission to improve the lives of medical cannabis patients in the UK.

Check out the patient led directory and stock checker for medical cannabis products @ and find out information about UK medical cannabis clinics and pharmacies too.

Patient Outreach Read More »

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