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Venue Protocol

The Sanskara Protocol

"Medical Cannabis Friendly Space". Vaporiser with Cannabis Leaf. "This Space is Inclusive towards individuals with a legitimate medical cannabis prescription. Responsible Use Only." Sanskara Logo.

Reaching out to venues/events can be daunting and while it may seem innocent and of good nature to let the venue/event know of your intentions to bring your medical device and medicine along with you, you may find that the use of the word “cannabis” or “vaporiser” may raise some eyebrows and could provide you with a straight up “NO!”

As this is not ideal, most patients would rather have a positive experience and not be suffering from their condition while out and about. There are some patients who would rather not contact the place they are going as this may be difficult for them for many reasons. However, we have put together a simple step by step guide for patients to ensure they get the answer they should be getting and that the awareness can spread among the general public, in turn supporting those patients that can’t make the initial contact. Using the right language is crucial to ensure a positive experience. 

You can find our list of venues that are inclusive and will respect the rights of patients prescribed cannabis here – Approved Venues

Based on experiences patients have had and our interaction with businesses and the Devon & Cornwall Police, here’s a protocol we recommend patients follow:

Verbal Interactions

Remain calm at all times and stay positive. Ask a family or friend to speak on your behalf if the confrontation is not comfortable for you.

Patient: Hello, I will be required to use a medical device to consume my medication.

Person: (This is when they may ask what the device is)

Patient: Heated Nebuliser is a device used to consume my cannabis based medication prescribed to me by a doctor.

Person: (They may say that there is a no smoking/vaping policy or refute cannabis is legal)

Patient: “I understand that many are not aware of medical cannabis being legal since 2018” (You may wish to present your medication and optionally offer to show the label and an ID) “And as my medical device is a heated nebulising device used for medical purposes, it is exempt from this policy.”

Person: (Still may refuse and may say that others may complain or be jealous for not being able to vape themselves)

Patient: In line with the Equality Act 2010, as a service provider, you must not discriminate and you must treat disabled individuals more favourably than non-disabled individuals. As I have a condition being treated with medication, I fall under this protected characteristic.

If they continue to discriminate or refuse your rights, immediately report this incident to the Police as a hate crime as well as write a report on the Gov.uk website (www.gov.uk/report-hate-crime)

Email Communications (Recommended prior to visit)

Patient Guide: Ensuring a Positive Experience at Venues/Events

Step 1: Identify Venue/Event Contact Details
  • Ideally, reach out to the accessibility or safeguarding team for more targeted assistance.

Step 2: Craft a Thoughtful Email Using the Template

Subject: Notice of Intention to Use Medical Device

Dear [Venue/Event Organiser's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. As someone who utilises medical devices for health reasons, I am reaching out to inquire about [Event/Venue Name]'s policy regarding the use of nebulisers on your premises. I wanted to understand the venue's stance on such devices. 

Nebulisers come in different types, each serving various medical requirements:

Ultrasonic nebulizing systems: An assembly of devices designed to generate aerosolized medication/fluids (finely dispersed airborne droplets) for inhalation by a patient with a respiratory disorder [e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis (CF)]. It typically consists of a mains electricity (AC-powered) electronic oscillator, an ultrasound transducer (piezoelectric crystal), a coupling basin, a nebulizer chamber and a fan. A high frequency (e.g., 1-2 MHz) electrical current is applied to the crystal within the oscillator circuit converting it to vibrations which produce sound waves. The coupler (water or saline) transmits the sound waves to the medicated solution in the nebulizing chamber.

Non-heated Nebulizing systems: An assembly of devices designed to generate non-heated aerosolized medication/fluids (finely dispersed airborne droplets in a liquid-phase) intended to be inhaled by a patient with a respiratory disorder [e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis (CF)]. It includes an electrically-powered generator, a reservoir, and a hand-held nebulizing chamber where the nebulization of the medicine usually takes place.

Heated Nebulizing systems: An assembly of devices designed to generate warmed aerosolized medication/fluids (e.g., pharmacological drugs, cannabis-based products for medicinal use) intended to be inhaled by a patient, typically used in the management of respiratory disorders [e.g., chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis (CF)] or various other conditions (e.g., chronic pain). It typically consists of an electrically-powered generator, a reservoir, a heating element, dosing capsules, and a hand-held nebulizing/inhalation compartment (e.g., inflatable balloon with mouthpiece).

I appreciate [Event/Venue Name]'s commitment to creating an inclusive environment. To ensure that attendees like myself with medical requirements can participate in events without disruption, I would like clarification on your policy regarding the use of nebuliser devices at the venue.

To assist your understanding, I am ready to provide any additional information or documentation you may require. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to a positive response. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me.


[Your Name]

Step 3: Record All Responses
  • Keep a record of responses for follow-up communication.

Step 4: Follow-Up and Clarify Common Terminology
  • If the response is positive, follow up to clarify common terminology (“Heated Nebulisers” vs. “Dry Herb Vaporisers”).
  • Mention the use of Cannabis-based Products for Medicinal use (CBPM) and specify Medical Cannabis Flower (Bud) consumed using a Heated Nebuliser (Dry Herb Vaporiser).
  • Remind the venue of their policy (if positive) and the Equality Act 2010.
  • Emphasise the intention is not to seek explicit permission but to foster awareness.

Step 5: Responding to Negative or Neutral Responses
  • For negative responses, consider sending a polite follow-up, seeking clarification on the reasons for the refusal using the template provided:

Template Email For Negative Response

Dear [Venue/Event Organiser's Name],

Thank you for your prompt response and for taking the time to consider my inquiry regarding the use of nebuliser devices at [Event/Venue Name].

I understand that policies can vary, and I appreciate your diligence in addressing such matters. However, I would like to seek further clarification on the reasons behind the limitation on nebuliser devices at the venue. My primary goal is to foster awareness and ensure a positive and inclusive experience for individuals with medical requirements.

As someone who relies on medical devices for health reasons, it's crucial for me to understand and, if possible, address any concerns the venue may have regarding the use of a heated nebuliser. I am more than willing to provide additional information or documentation to ease any reservations and ensure compliance with venue policies.

Additionally, I would be grateful if you could direct me to the appropriate department or individual who could shed more light on this matter. If there are specific guidelines or protocols in place, I am committed to adhering to them while ensuring my medical needs are met.

Thank you once again for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to any further insights you can provide.


[Your Name]

  •  For neutral responses, ensure the individual has acknowledged the email and forwarded it to the correct department. Follow up directly with the correct department, using the reference number provided, to seek clarification or address concerns. Use this template to assist you:

Template Email for Neutral or No Response

Dear [Venue/Event Organiser's Name],

I trust this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on my recent inquiry about the use of nebuliser devices at [Venue/Event Name]. As an individual who relies on medical devices for health reasons, fostering inclusivity and ensuring an understanding of diverse health needs is important to me.

I understand that you may receive numerous inquiries, and I appreciate your time and attention to this matter. If you've had an opportunity to review my initial inquiry, I would be grateful for any insights or feedback you can provide. My intention is to ensure that I can participate in events without causing any disruption and to collaborate with venues in achieving this goal.

I am aware that venue policies vary, and I want to assure you that I am open to providing any necessary documentation or information to address any concerns you may have. Your feedback is essential, and I am eager to engage in constructive dialogue to find a mutually beneficial solution.

Thank you for considering my inquiry. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to reach out.


[Your Name]

Step 6: Attend or Decide Not to Attend Based on Communication
  • Attend the venue/event with your medication and medical device if the outcome is positive.
  • Remind the venue/event hosts about the importance of training staff and security on this matter.

Template Email of Acknowledgment and Clarification

Dear [Venue/Event Organiser's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I appreciate your positive response regarding the use of nebuliser devices at [Venue/Event Name]. Your commitment to creating an inclusive environment is commendable, and I am grateful for your understanding of diverse health needs.

To ensure a seamless experience for all attendees, especially those with medical requirements like myself, I would like to request that your staff and security team are made aware of my attendance, including the fact that I may be using my CBPM with a heated nebuliser device (dry herb vaporiser) for health reasons. This proactive measure will help avoid any confusion during the event and contribute to a more inclusive atmosphere.

I am willing to provide any additional information or documentation necessary to facilitate this process. 

Once again, thank you for your positive response and commitment to inclusivity. I look forward to attending [Venue/Event Name] with the assurance that my medical needs will be accommodated appropriately.

If you have any further instructions or if there's anything else I should be aware of, please do not hesitate to inform me.


[Your Name]

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