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Travel Abroad With Your Cannabis Prescription

Important Information for Travellers Taking Medication

If you are someone who regularly takes medication and are planning to travel, it’s crucial to prepare well in advance. Follow these key points to ensure a smooth and safe trip:

1. Medical Check-Up

Before traveling, schedule a medical check-up to discuss your fitness for travel. This is an opportunity to optimise your medication and ensure you have an adequate supply for the trip, including provisions for possible travel delays or lost luggage.

2. Packaging and Documentation

Carry your medication in its original pharmacy packaging, along with a copy of your prescription and a letter from your prescriber. Keep your medication in your hand luggage, and consider carrying some extra in your checked luggage.

3. Check Destination Regulations

Different countries have varying rules regarding medication entry. Some countries may not allow certain types of medicines, while others require specific permissions. Even over-the-counter medications in the UK might have restrictions elsewhere. Check with the foreign embassy in the UK or use other resources to understand the regulations for your destination.

4. Controlled Drugs

If you are carrying controlled drugs, which include medications like cannabis, diazepam and morphine, you may need an export license when transporting a three-month supply or more into or out of the UK. Apply for the license at least 10 days before you travel. For shorter trips, carry a letter from your GP or prescriber detailing the medicines.

5. Medication Legality

Keep in mind that the legal status of your medication may differ outside the UK. Be aware of the rules and regulations of the countries you will be visiting. It can be helpful to contact the consulate or embassy of the destination country for information.

6. Beware of Falsified Drugs

Some regions have a higher risk of counterfeit or fake drugs, which can pose serious health risks. Additionally, the internet can be a platform for the sale of products with false claims of miracle cures for various illnesses. Exercise caution and avoid purchasing medications from unreliable sources.

During your trip, remember to:

If you need medication while abroad, consult a pharmacy or healthcare provider for guidance. Keep in mind that the appearance and name of your prescribed medication may vary in other countries, and the active ingredients might differ.

After your trip, if you required additional medication supplies or started new medication abroad, it’s recommended to see your regular doctor for follow-up. If you feel unwell after traveling, seek advice from your GP or pharmacist.

Remember to prioritise your health and be well-prepared when traveling with medication.


See below our table of information for popular holiday destinations. This table will gradually grow and populate as we receive responses from the individual countries.

Green Boxes

Green Boxes

Can take medication + Guidance available

Orange Boxes

Orange Boxes

No information available yet or Decriminalised

Red Boxes

Red Boxes

Travel with medication is prohibited
Countries Confirmed Travel With Cannabis Prescription Permissible
Countries Legalised Cannabis For Medicinal Purposes
Countries With Legal Cannabis Use Yet To Respond
Countries Confirmed Do Not Allow Travel With Cannabis Prescription

If you have any information to add, please drop us an email –

LAST UPDATED 08/11/2023

Medical cannabis patient u/jamesjoyz, created this wonderful infographic to show where other patients can travel to across Europe with their medical cannabis prescription.



Medical: Legal

Recreational: Illegal

Antigua & Barbuda

Medical: Legal

Recreational: Decriminalised


Medical: Illegal

Recreational: Illegal


Medical: Legal

Recreational: Illegal


Medical: Legal (Sativex Only)

Recreational: Decriminalised


Medical: Illegal

Recreational: Illegal


Medical: Illegal

Recreational: Illegal


Medical: Legal (Sativex Only)

Recreational: Decriminalised


Medical: Illegal

Recreational: Decriminalised


Medical: Illegal

Recreational: Illegal


Medical: Illegal

Recreational: Illegal


Medical: Illegal

Recreational: Decriminalised

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