
What is Medical Cannabis

What is Medical Cannabis (Cannabis Based Medical Products)

What is Medical Cannabis? What is it used to treat?

Cannabis Based Medical Products (CBMPs) or Medical Cannabis are medications derived from the cannabis plant, containing cannabidiol (CBD) and/or Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC – which is the psychoactive substance in cannabis). In the UK medical cannabis has been legal since 2018 for the treatment of psychological, neurological, and chronic pain conditions as well as, palliative and/or end of life care: for sake of brevity a full list of conditions treated in the UK is highlighted in eligibility section of this website.

What’s the eligibility criteria?

With cannabis based medical products (CBMPs) being unlicenced, the census would be for patients to evidence unmet clinical needs i.e., their health is not improving despite having ongoing treatment or interventions via conventional healthcare services. It is important for all patients to recognise that due to cannabis containing a psychoactive substance, for the safety of potential patients, if you have any of the diagnosis listed in the exclusion criteria, you will not be eligible. We would advise these patients to liaise with their consultants at the NHS and explore an alternative treatment method to support their health needs.

Patients have a right to a second opinion, provided they do not have any counterindications listed in the exclusion criteria below. Patient’s must be over 18 years of age.

Exclusion Criteria?  

Like all medications, CBMPs is not advisable to use if you struggle from one of the following: –

  • Suffer with high BP (If this is not stable)
  • History of psychosis
  • Diagnosis of schizophrenia
  • Heart condition (Which has NOT been stable for 6+ months)
  • Pregnant or breast-feeding

What are the side effects of medical cannabis?

Side effects of CBMPs include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Confusion
  • Imbalance
  • Euphoria
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry mouth
  • Anxiety and/or Depression
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Psychological Dependence
  • Tolerance
  • Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome (CHS)

Adverse reactions include:

  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea

If you experience an adverse reaction, it is important that you report your symptoms to the MHRA via yellow card, who are the medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency. To report a yellow card, please follow this link and fill out the form: Yellow Card | Making medicines and medical devices safer ( It is also vital that you inform your clinic, to ensure this medication is not prescribed to you again in the future.

Cannabis dependence:

Cannabis dependence is known clinically as cannabis use disorder, and user’s of any form of medicines, including medical cannabis are prone to psychological dependency.

Signs of Psychological dependence include:

  • Not using medications as prescribed -> using more than required or larger dosages and/or more frequently
  • Withdrawal
  • Developed a tolerance and require more
  • Failed repeated attempts to control or stop use
  • Physical or psychological concerns related to use (i.e., respiratory concerns or fluctuation in mood)
  • Missing relevant appointments or work to use
  • Craving for purposes other than prescribed

If you experience any of the following, please get in touch with your prescriber, so that they may manage this concern accordingly.

Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS)

Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, also known as cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, can affect people who are exposed to prolonged, high doses of cannabis: this can also occur with medical cannabis use.

Signs of Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome include:

  • Intense nausea and vomiting
  • Projectile vomiting (can happen without warning, up to 5x an hour)
  • Extreme Diarrhea
  • Lack of appetite
  • Weight loss

Although this is uncommon, if you experience any of the following, please reduce use or stop where possible and urgently alert your prescriber. If symptoms are uncontrollable, please seek urgent medical intervention as you are at risk of dehydration.

Monitoring BP / Warfin prescription

Medical cannabis can for some people cause heart palpations, it is important that people with a history of high blood pressure or a heart condition to be mindful of this, particularly those on warfarin as cannabis can impact the liver enzymes, interacting with other medications. It is important that you work alongside your GP and relevant health care professionals to adequately address your heart.

If you are someone who meets this criterion, regularly monitoring your blood pressure would aid in ensuring your safety and enables you to appropriately reach out for support.

Blood pressure guidance:

Low 90/60 or below Inform GP and clinic, if unwell seek medical attention
Ok 90/60 – 140/90 Continue to monitor – update clinic at FUP appointment
Raised 141/91 – 179/119 Raised, monitor and inform GP and clinic
High 180/120 or more Significant risk, needs urgent review – update GP and clinic


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The Sanskara Platform CIC Appointed UK Representative to IACM Patients Council

Empowering Patients Worldwide

We are thrilled to announce a significant milestone for The Sanskara Platform CIC – our recent appointment as the UK representative to the International Alliance for Cannabinoid Medicines (IACM) Patients Council. This prestigious position marks a new chapter in our commitment to advocating for patient rights and fostering collaboration on a global scale.

About IACM Patients Council

The IACM Patients Council is a dynamic coalition of patient organisations from around the world. Its primary objective is to provide a unified voice for patients in the rapidly evolving landscape of medicinal cannabis. By working collectively, these organisations aim to safeguard the rights and interests of patients and ensure their perspectives are integral to the ongoing developments in medicinal cannabis.

Our Role as the UK Representative

As the UK representative to the IACM Patients Council, The Sanskara Platform CIC is honoured to take on the responsibility of championing the concerns, aspirations, and needs of patients in the United Kingdom. This role aligns seamlessly with our core mission of promoting a patient-centric approach to medical cannabis advocacy.

Key Focus Areas

  1. Global Collaboration: We look forward to actively engaging with patient organisations worldwide. By fostering international collaboration, we can share insights, best practices, and advocate for the common goal of improving patient access and rights.
  2. Information Exchange: Our role involves facilitating the exchange of information between patients, organisations, and key stakeholders. By doing so, we aim to contribute to the creation of a well-informed and empowered patient community.
  3. Advocacy and Education: Through our representation, we will advocate for policies that prioritise patient well-being. Education will be a focal point, ensuring that patients are equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their healthcare.

The Sanskara Platform CIC’s Commitment

Our journey with the IACM Patients Council is not just about representation; it’s about effecting positive change. The Sanskara Platform CIC is committed to leveraging this opportunity to enhance the dialogue surrounding medicinal cannabis, challenge stigmas, and drive initiatives that benefit patients globally.

We express our gratitude to our supporters, volunteers, and the entire medical cannabis community. Your encouragement has been instrumental in reaching this milestone. Together, let’s continue advancing patient-centric approaches to medical cannabis and shaping a more compassionate and informed world.

Empowering Patients, Transforming Lives.

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The Sanskara Platform Joins Forces With The Cannabis Industry Council To Improve Patient Outcomes In The Medical Cannabis Industry

For Immediate Release – 06/02/2023

The Sanskara Platform Ltd. is proud to announce its membership with the Cannabis Industry Council (CIC), the leading organisation representing the UK cannabis sector. With over 100 members covering the entire cannabis supply chain and other industry stakeholders, the CIC is dedicated to improving access to medical cannabis and growing the CBD and hemp markets.

As a patient-led medical cannabis education platform, Sanskara is committed to advancing the medical cannabis industry through education and engagement. The platform offers a range of services, including consultancy, research, and advocacy, to support both patients and industry professionals. With a deep understanding of the medical cannabis community, Sanskara is bridging the gap between patients and the industry to drive positive change and improve patient outcomes.

We’re thrilled to join forces with the Cannabis Industry Council and share their vision for improving access to cannabis for better health, the environment, and the economy,” said Mohammad Wasway, spokesperson for Sanskara. “As active members of the Council, we look forward to contributing to the development of solutions for the sector and advancing our mission to improve patient outcomes in the medical cannabis industry.

Cannabis Industry Council CEO Mike Morgan-Giles also expressed his excitement about the new partnership, “The medical cannabis industry faces many regulatory and policy challenges, and we’re delighted to welcome Sanskara to the CIC. Their decision to join us highlights the growing recognition of the CIC across the sector, and we look forward to their contributions in developing solutions for the industry.

As a member of the CIC, Sanskara will have access to a range of membership benefits, including participation in working groups, event attendance and networking, training, and representation with the government. The CIC’s goal is to raise the profile of the cannabis sector, improve access to medical cannabis, and help grow the CBD and hemp markets.

Join Sanskara and the Cannabis Industry Council in their mission to improve patient outcomes in the medical cannabis industry.

About The Sanskara Platform Ltd

The Sanskara Platform Ltd is a patient-led medical cannabis education platform dedicated to advancing the medical cannabis industry through education and engagement. The platform offers a range of services, including consultancy, research, and advocacy, to support both patients and industry professionals. With a deep understanding of the medical cannabis community, Sanskara is bridging the gap between patients and the industry to drive positive change and improve patient outcomes.

About the Cannabis Industry Council

The Cannabis Industry Council is the leading membership organisation for the entire UK cannabis sector, representing over 100 members covering the entire cannabis supply chain and other industry stakeholders. The CIC is dedicated to improving access to medical cannabis and growing the CBD and hemp markets.

Contact Information: For further information, please contact:

The Sanskara Platform Joins Forces With The Cannabis Industry Council To Improve Patient Outcomes In The Medical Cannabis Industry Read More »

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