The Sanskara Platform Joins Forces with the NCVO: Elevating Medical Cannabis Advocacy

Dear Sanskara Community,

We are thrilled to share some exciting news! The Sanskara Platform CIC has recently become a proud member of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO). This is a significant step forward in our journey of advocating for patient rights and fostering positive change in the medical cannabis landscape.

Understanding the NCVO:

The NCVO is a leading voice for the voluntary sector in the UK. Established in 1919, NCVO champions the work of charities, community groups, and voluntary organisations, providing them with a platform to collectively address challenges and amplify their impact. This membership places Sanskara in a vibrant network of over 15,000 member organisations, ranging from small community groups to well-established charities.

The Value of NCVO Membership for Sanskara:

  1. Networking and Collaboration: Joining NCVO opens doors to a diverse community of organisations working towards social change. This network provides opportunities for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and building alliances within and beyond the medical cannabis sector.
  2. Advocacy Amplification: NCVO is a powerful advocate for the voluntary sector, influencing policies and decisions at the national level. By aligning with NCVO, Sanskara gains a stronger voice in shaping policies that directly impact medical cannabis patients and the industry.
  3. Capacity Building: NCVO offers a wealth of resources, training, and support to enhance the effectiveness and impact of voluntary organisations. This invaluable support will empower Sanskara to further its mission of educating, advocating, and supporting the medical cannabis community.
  4. Policy Engagement: As an NCVO member, Sanskara gains access to valuable insights on policy developments and changes affecting the voluntary sector. This knowledge is crucial for steering our advocacy efforts in a rapidly evolving medical cannabis landscape.

Implications for the Medical Cannabis Community:

Our membership with NCVO is not just a milestone for Sanskara; it’s a win for the entire medical cannabis community. It elevates the visibility of medical cannabis advocacy within broader discussions on healthcare, patient rights, and social well-being.

Looking Ahead:

As we embark on this exciting journey with the NCVO, we are filled with gratitude for the continued support of our community. Together, we will continue to strive for a future where medical cannabis patients are informed, empowered, and treated with the dignity they deserve.

Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you for being an essential part of the Sanskara family.

Warm regards,

The Sanskara Platform Team

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